Monday, June 28, 2010

Spiritual Liberation

"Compassion is one of the highest forms of love because compassion is the understanding of a person's lack of understanding.
"Sympathy asks, "How do you feel?", empathy says, "I will feel for you" but compassion says, "I understand, how can I serve to alleviate your suffering?". Generosity softens the hard places in our heart. As our heart opens we experience a sense of expansion, of prosperity, energy, finances and other resources." - Michael Bernard Beckwith, Spiritual Liberation

Thursday, June 24, 2010


"If there can be a definition of spirituality, it is the tuning of the heart. Tuning means the changing of pitch of the vibrations, in order that one may reach a certain pitch that is the natural pitch; then one feels the joy and ecstasy of life, which enables one to give pleasure to others even by one's presence, because one is tuned." Hazrat Inayat Khan

There is Abundance....

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:25-34

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Child in Our Soul

The Child in Our Soul
"If we ar not reborn-if we cannot learn to look at life with the innocence & enthusiasm of childhood-it makes no sense to go on living. We have to pay attention to what the child in our heart tells us. We must allow the child to take the reins our lives. The child knows that each day is different from every other day. We have to allow it to feel loved again. We must please this child-even it means that we act in ways that we are not used to, in ways that seem foolish to others But if we listen to the child that lives in our Soul, our eyes will grow bright. If we do not lose contact with that child, we will not lose contact with life."~Paulo Coelho

Monday, June 14, 2010

Attract Ideal People By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Attract Ideal People By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

How to find those you want and need.

Simply be the qualities you seek in others.
If you saw the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, you probably came away remembering the concept that if you pursue a dream, you will succeed (or, “If you build it, they will come”). I mention this because I’m suggesting that if you commit yourself to matching up with the field of intention, everyone you desire or need to fulfill your personal intention will appear. How can that be? The moment you definitely commit yourself to being a part of the power of intention, “then Providence moves too,” and unforeseen assistance comes your way.
The right people will arrive to assist you in every aspect of your life: The people who will support you in your career are there; the people who will help you create your perfect home show up; the people who will arrange the finances for whatever you desire are available; the driver you need to get you to the airport is waiting for you; the designer you’ve admired wants to work with you; the dentist you need in an emergency when you’re on vacation just happens to be there; and your spiritual soul mate finds you.
The list is endless because we’re all in relationship to each other, we all emanate from the same Source, and we all share the same divine energy of intention. There’s no place that this universal mind is not; therefore, you share it with everyone you attract into your life.
You’ll have to let go of any resistance to your ability to attract the right people, or you won’t recognize them when they show up in your everyday life. Resistance may be difficult to recognize at first, because it’s such a familiar form of your thoughts, your emotions, and your energy levels. If you believe that you’re powerless to attract the right people, then you’ve attracted powerlessness into your experience. If you’re attached to the idea of being stuck with the wrong people or no people at all, then your energy isn’t aligned with the power of intention, and resistance reigns. The field of intention has no choice but to send you more of what you’re desiring. So, make a somersault into the inconceivable, where you have faith and trust in the universal mind of intention, and allow the right people to arrive in your life right on schedule.
Once you’ve formed a picture in your mind of the person or people that you intend to show up in your life, and you know how you want them to treat you and what they’ll be like, you must be what it is that you’re seeking. This is a universe of attraction and energy. You can’t have a desire to attract a mate who is confident, generous, non-judgmental, and gentle, and expect that desire to be manifested if you’re thinking and acting in non-confident, selfish, judgmental, or arrogant ways—which is why most people don’t attract the right people at the right time.
More than 30 years ago, I wanted to attract a publisher into my life for my book, Your Erroneous Zones. This publisher would have to be understanding since I was an unknown writer at the time, and would have to be a risk taker, willing to let go of any doubts about me.
My literary agent arranged a meeting with an executive editor, whom I’ll refer to as George, at a large New York publishing house. As I sat down to talk with him, it was obvious to me that he was personally distraught. I asked him what was troubling him, and we proceeded to spend the next three to four hours talking about a devastating personal matter that had just transpired the night before. George’s wife had told him that she was going to seek a divorce, and he felt as though he’d been blindsided by this news. I let go of my own desires to talk about getting my book published and became what it was that I was seeking: an understanding, confident, risk-taking person. By being that very thing and detaching from my ego-dominated desires, I was able to help George out that afternoon, which I’ve never forgotten.
I left George’s office that day without even discussing my book proposal. When I told my literary agent this story, he was convinced that I’d blown my one opportunity with a major publishing house by not making a strong pitch for my book. The following day, George called my agent, telling him, “I really don’t even know what Dyer’s book proposal entails, but I want that man as one of our authors.”
At the time, I didn’t realize what was happening. Now, with a quarter century of living in this world of spiritual inquiry, I see it quite clearly. The right people show up precisely when you need them and when you’re able to match up. You must be that which you desire. When you are what you desire, you attract it by radiating it outward. You have this ability to match up with the power of intention and fulfill your intention to attract ideal people and divine relationships.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Greatest.....

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.


Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes.
He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening. ~Gurdjieff

Bull Shit (Belief System)

A turkey was chatting with a bull.
'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy. 'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull. They're packed with nutrients The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually ...gave him enough stren...gth to reach the lowest branch of the tree.
The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second
branch. Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at
the top of the tree.He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.
Moral of the story: Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

Deva Premal and Miten - Gayatri Mantra

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Seven Day Mental Diet How to change your life (and the world) in a week.

The Seven Day Mental Diet How to change your life (and the world) in a week.
The Seven Day Mental Diet
by Emmet Fox

The subject of diet is one of the foremost topics of the present day in public interest. Newspapers and magazines teem with articles on the subject. The counters of the bookshops are filled with volumes unfolding the mysteries of proteins, starches, vitamins, and so forth. just now the whole world is food-conscious. Experts on the subject are saying that physically you become the thing that you eat that your whole body is really composed of the food that you have eaten in the past. What you eat today, they say, will be in your bloodstream after the lapse of so many hours, and it is your blood-stream that builds all the tissues composing your body -and there you are.

Of course, no sensible person has any quarrel with all this. It is perfectly true, as far as it goes, and the only surprising thing is that it has taken the world so long to find it out; but in this pamphlet I am going to deal with the subject of dieting at a level that is infinitely more profound and far reaching in its effects. I refer of course to mental dieting.

The most important of all factors in your life is the mental diet on which you live. It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life. It is the thoughts you allow yourself to think, the subjects that you allow your mind to dwell upon, which make you and your surroundings what they are. As they days, so shall they strength be. Everything in your life today the state of your body, whether healthy or sick, the state of your fortune, whether prosperous or impoverished, the state of your home, whether happy or the reverse, the present condition of every phase of your life in fact-is entirely conditioned by the thoughts and feelings which you have entertained in the past, by the habitual tone of your past thinking. And the condition of your life tomorrow, and next week, and next year, will be entirely conditioned by the thoughts and feelings which you choose to entertain from now onwards.

In other words, you choose your life, that is to say, you choose all the conditions of your life, when you choose the thoughts upon which you allow your mind to dwell. Thought is the real causative force in life, and there is no other. You cannot have one kind of mind and another kind of environment. This means that you cannot change your environment while leaving your mind unchanged, nor-and this is the supreme key to life and the reason for this pamphlet -can you change your mind without your environment changing too.

This then is the real key to life: if you change your mind your conditions must change too- your body must change, your daily work or other activities must change; your home must change; the color-tone of your whole life must change-for whether you be habitually happy and cheerful, or low-spirited and fearful, depends entirely on the quality of the mental food upon which you diet yourself.

Please be very clear about this. If you change your mind your conditions must change too. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. So now you will see that your mental diet is really the most important thing in your whole life.

This may be called the Great Cosmic Law, and its truth is seen to be perfectly obvious when once it is clearly stated in this way. In fact, I do not know of any thoughtful person who denies its essential truth. The practical difficulty in applying it, however, arises from the fact that our thoughts are so close to us that it is difficult, without a little practice, to stand back as it were and look at them objectively.

Yet that is just what you must learn to do. You must train yourself to choose the subject of your thinking at any given time, and also to choose the emotional tone, or what we call the mood that colors it. Yes, you can choose your moods. Indeed, if you could not you would have no real control over your life at all. Moods habitually entertained produce the characteristic disposition of the person concerned, and it is his disposition that finally makes or mars a person's happiness.

You cannot be healthy; you cannot be happy; you cannot be prosperous; if you have a bad disposition. If you are sulky, or surly, or cynical, or depressed, or superior, or frightened half out of your wits, your life cannot possibly be worth living. Unless you are determined to cultivate a good disposition, you may as well give up all hope of getting anything worth while out of life, and it is kinder to tell you very plainly that this is the case.

If you are not determined to start in now and carefully select all day the kind of thoughts that you are going to think, you may as well give up all hope of shaping your life into the kind of thing that you want it to be, because this is the only way.

In short, if you want to make your life happy and worth while, which is what God wishes you to make it, you must begin immediately to train yourself in the habit of thought selection and thought control. This will be exceedingly difficult for the first few days, but if you persevere you will find that it will become rapidly easier, and it is actually the most interesting experiment that you could possibly make. In fact, this thought control is the most thrillingly interesting hobby that anyone could take up. You will be amazed at the interesting things that you will learn about yourself, and you will get results almost from the beginning.

Now many people knowing this truth, make sporadic efforts from time to time to control their thoughts, but the thought stream being so close) as I have pointed outs and the impacts from outside so constant and varied, they do not make very much progress. That is not the way to work. Your only chance is definitely to form a new habit of thought which will carry you through when you are preoccupied or off your guard as well as when you are consciously attending to the business. This new thought habit must be definitely acquired, and the foundation of it can be laid within a few days, and the way to do it is this: Make up your mind to devote one week solely to the task of building a new habit of thought, and during that week let everything in life be unimportant as compared with that. If you will do so, then that week will be the most significant week in your whole life. It will literally be the turning point for you. If you will do so, it is safe to say that your whole life will change for the better. In fact, nothing can possibly remain the same. This does not simply mean that you will be able to face your present difficulties in a better spirit; it means that the difficulties will go. This is the scientific way to Alter Your Life, and being in accordance with the Great Law it cannot fail. Now do you realize that by working in this way you do not have to change conditions? What happens is that you apply the Law, and then the conditions change spontaneously. You cannot change conditions directly you have often tried to do so and failed but go on the seven day mental diet and conditions must change for you.

This then is your prescription. For seven days you must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on any kind of negative thought. You must watch yourself for a whole week as a cat watches a mouse, and you must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind. This discipline will be so strenuous that you could not maintain it consciously for much more than a week, but I do not ask you to do so. A week will be enough, because by that time the habit of positive thinking will begin to be established. Some extraordinary changes for the better will have come into your life, encouraging you enormously, and then the future will take care of itself. The new way of life will be so attractive and so much easier than the old way that you will find your mentality aligning itself almost automatically.

But the seven days are going to be strenuous. I would not have you enter upon this without counting the cost. Mere physical fasting would be child's play in comparison, even if you have a very good appetite. The most exhausting form of army gymnastics, combined with thirty mile route marches, would be mild in comparison with this undertaking. But it is only for one week in your life, and it will definitely alter everything for the better. For the rest of your life here, for all eternity in fact, things will be utterly different and inconceivably better than if you had not carried through this undertaking.

Do not start it lightly. Think about it for a day or two before you begin. Then start in, and the grace of God go with you. You may start it any day in the week, and at any time in the day, first thing in the morning, or after breakfast, or after lunch, it does not matter, but once you do start you must go right through for the seven days. That is essential. The whole idea is to have seven days of-unbroken mental discipline in order to get the mind definitely bent in a new direction once and for all.

If you make a false start, or even if you go in well for two or three days and then for any reason "fall off" the diet, the thing to do is to drop the scheme altogether for several days, and then to start again afresh. There must be no jumping on and off, as it were. You remember that Rip Van Winkle in the play would take a solemn vow of teetotalism, and then promptly accept a drink from the first neighbor who offered him one, saying calmly: "I won't count this one." Well, on the seven day mental diet this sort of thing simply will not do. you must positively count every lapse, and whether you do or not, nature will. where there is a lapse you must go off the diet altogether and then start again.

Now, in order, if possible, to forestall difficulties, I will consider them in a little detail.

First of all, what do I mean by negative thinking? Well, a negative thought is any thought of failure, disappointment, or trouble; any thought of criticism, or spite, or jealousy, or condemnation of others, or self condemnation; any thought of sickness or accident; or, in short, any kind of limitation or pessimistic thinking. Any thought that is not positive and constructive in character, whether it concerns you yourself or anyone else, is a negative thought. Do not bother too much about the question of classification, however; in practice you will never have any trouble in knowing whether a given thought is positive or negative. Even if your brain tries to deceive you, your heart will whisper the truth.

Second, you must be quite clear that what this scheme calls for is that you shall not entertain, or dwell upon negative things. Note this carefully. It is not the thought that come to you that matter, but only such of them as you choose to entertain and dwell upon. It does not matter what thoughts may come to you provided you do not entertain them. It is the entertaining or dwelling upon them that matters. Of course, many negative thoughts will come to you all day long. Some of them will just drift into your mind of their own accord seemingly, and these come to you out of the race mind. Other negative thoughts will be given to you by other people, either in conversation or by their conduct, or you will hear disagreeable news perhaps by letter or telephone, or you will see crimes and disasters announced in the newspaper headings. These things, however, do not matter as long as you do not entertain them. In fact, it is these very things that provide the discipline that is going to transform you during this epoch making week. The thing to do is, directly the negative thought presents itself - turn it out. Turn away from the newspaper; turn out the thought of the unkind letter, or stupid remark, or what not. When the negative thought floats into your mind, immediately turn it out and think of something else. Best of all, think of God as explained in The Golden Key perfect analogy is furnished by the case of a man who is sitting by an open fire when a red hot cinder flies out and falls on his sleeve. If he knocks that cinder off at once, without a moment's delay to think about it, no harm is done. But if he allows it to rest on him for a single moment, under any pretense, the mischief is done, and it will be a troublesome task to repair that sleeve. So it is with a negative thought.

Now what of those negative thoughts and conditions which it is impossible to avoid at the point where you are today? What of the ordinary troubles that you will have to meet in the office or a home? The answer is, that such things will not affect your diet provided that you do not accept them, by fearing them, by believing them, by being indignant or sad about them, or by giving them any power at all. Any negative condition that duty compels you to handle will not affect your diet. Go to the office, or meet the cares at home, without allowing them to affect you. (None of these things move me) and all will be well. Suppose that you are lunching with a friend who talks negatively-Do not try to shut him up or otherwise snub him. Let him talk, but do not accept what he says, and your diet will not be affected. Suppose that on coming home you are greeted with a lot of negative conversation-do not preach a sermon, but simply do not accept it. It is your mental consent, remember, that constitutes your diet. Suppose you witness an accident or an act of injustice let us say Instead of reacting with pity or indignation, refuse to accept the appearance at its face value; do anything that you can to right matters, give it the right thought and let it go at that. You will still be on the diet.

Of course, it will be very helpful if you can take steps to avoid meeting during this week anyone who seems particularly likely to arouse the devil in you. People who get on your nerves, or rub you up the wrong way, or bore you, are better avoided while you are on the diet; but if it is not possible to avoid them, then you must take a little extra discipline that is all.

Suppose that you have a particularly trying ordeal before you next week Well, if you have enough spiritual understanding you will know how to meet that in the spiritual way; but, for our present purpose, I think I would wait and start the diet as soon as the ordeal is over. As I said before, do not take up the diet lightly, but think it over well first.

In closing, I want to tell you that people often find that the starting of this diet seems to stir up all sorts of difficulties. It seen is as though everything begins to go wrong at once. This may be disconcerting, but it is really a good sign. It means that things are moving; and is not that the very object we have in view? Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundations. Hold on steadily, let it rock, and when the rocking is over., the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire.

The above point is vitally important and rather subtle. Do you not see that the very dwelling upon these difficulties is in itself a negative thought which has probably thrown you off the diet? The remedy is not, of course, to deny that your world is rocking in appearance, but to refuse to take the appearance for the reality (Judge not according to appearances but judge righteous judgment).

A closing word of caution-Do not tell anyone else that you are on the diet, or that you intend to go on it. Keep this tremendous project strictly to yourself. Remember that your soul should be the Secret Place of the Most High. When you have come through the seven days successfully, and secured your demonstration, allow a reasonable time to elapse to establish the new mentality, and then tell the story to anyone else who you think is likely to be helped by it.

And, finally, remember that nothing said or done by anyone else can possibly throw you off the diet. Only your own reaction to the other person's conduct can do that.

The Evolution of Story by Courtney A. Walsh

The Evolution of Story by Courtney A. Walsh
Feel free to share...

Once upon a few thousand lifetimes ago there were pictures carved in stone. They told epic tales of great kings, queens, martyrs, warriors, conquests, wisewomen, magicians and commoners. Tribes and travelers sat around fires singing and storytelling, passing legacies and prophecies on to each successive generation.

Much was lost in translation. Much was misinterpreted, distorted, misrepresented, exaggerated, edited out. This began a long tradition of cautionary tales, romantic heroes & adventures, bloody war stories, whimsical fables, etc.

Then several hundred lifetimes later, all over the world, lots of holy books were written. They contained moral codes woven into myths and truths, all in a great big tumblejumble. People read these books religiously and based their lives around the tenets within. Wars began over whose story was the best story of creation and of how to honor the creator or creators. Nobody could seem to agree on how the world began. Or who or what began it. Or why we were here. Or where we were headed. Sound familiar?

Then... life moved at warp speed for several hundred lifetimes and industry & technology reached such epic proportions that people reached for their holy books like they reached for old stuffed animals. For comfort. Pages ratty with age. Well loved, often quoted and timeworn. Ideas usually outdated, but familiar. Written in a language of fear, shame, blame, guilt, rage and sorrow. This language became part of the collective DNA like a recessive genetic predisposition to cancer. It was just accepted. It was rarely questioned. It was what was. It was the story of us and we knew it by heart.

Fast forward to now. 2010.

It's time for humanity to write new parables. New voices. A new language. It's time for new books. New songs. New pictures. Tradition and nostalgia served their place to bond us and then, to separate us. Fear kept us from grace. It kept us from one another. It kept us from the divine. It kept us lonely and isolated and frightened. Always frightened.

But now it is truly time for clean slates, fresh starts, blank pages. Ancient wisdom in the modern age is an anachronism if it is not seen through LOVE's lens. If it is still being used to separate us, then it is not truly wisdom at all.

It is simply more of the same old story.

I know, deep within, that our story has a happy ending. This is not head-in-the-sand stubbornness. This is not blind, defiant denial. It is what I know. And if you are honest with yourself---you know it, too.

We just get scared. And we forget. So we reach for the comfort of those old familiar ways and words. There's nothing wrong with that. It's part of our story. But it's not the best part.


Is yet to be written.

You hold the pen and the keyboard and the chalk and the microphone. You hold the key and the power and the words and the music and the silence. You are the storyteller and the storyweaver and the storyliver, storysinger, storypainter and the storygiver.

Tell your story of now. Speak it with love. Weave it with hope. Sing it with light. Paint it with joy. Storyboard the future and watch it emerge better than you can now imagine. Unleash the past from its shackles. The past wants to be free of its own heavy burdens.

Tell the story of you-now. Us-now. We-now. Let 'them' rest.

'Their' story/time/day/way is over.

Ours is just beginning.....

Make it a good one.


Remember Your Source

Rev Dr Michael B Beckwith...

Dear [Spiritual Family],

Today, I invite you to remember your source, as I share with you some words from one of my recent sermons at Agape International Spiritual Center:... See More

"When the proverbial river is rising, when you are at your wit's end, when you don't know what to do, when the solution is not readily at hand, when the answers seem to be at a distance, when confusion seems to be occupying your awareness... are called to remember your source.

God, the Universe, is your source of all happiness, all your joy, all wisdom, and all your prosperity. God is the source of every good and perfect thing, and you are called to tap into the source when you are temporarily hypnotized into thinking that something outside of you holds the answer.

There's not some condition that needs to change for you to be happy, and no one else is holding the key to your happiness. Remember the source of all creation, emanating from the very center of your being.

Through your conscious prayer, spiritual study, meditation and sacred service, you awaken to how the good you hope for, desire, and most want is already IN you. You must only remember your source.

And your source is God.
God consciousness.

Remember your faith that is 'the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen'. You must go within and practice activating your faith, so that when the river is rising you will not forget the source of all creation.

You are not a victim of circumstance!
You are empowered, inspired, and one with God at your source!”

Peace and Richest Blessings,

Michael Bernard Beckwith
Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center

Friday, June 11, 2010

That's Why He Can Stop Your Elephant -Sri Swami Satchidananda

That's Why He Can Stop Your Elephant -
Once upon a time there lived king who had a nice elephant. The attendant of the elephant used to take it to the river every day for a bath. One day as the attendant was bringing the elephant back to the palace, a little boy came walking up to the elephant. He took its trunk in his hands, saying, "Stop! Look at the way you are walking. The elephant stopped. "Walk gently, carefully," he told the elephant. He let go of the trunk, and the elephant started walking again. The next day as the elephant passed the same spot, the boy came running and stopped the elephant to reprimand it again. This happened several days in a row.

The attendant couldn't believe what was happening. He told the king, who sent his minister to check on the boy. In a few days, the minister came to report to the king. "Sir, I observed the boy. He lives with his grandmother. He's just a playful little boy. He seems ordinary, but he has absolutely no fear. That's why he can stop your elephant.

I can't believe it," said the king. "What do you mean?"

Sir, a mind without fear and worry can do anything."

The king wanted the minister to prove his point. The only way to do so was to make the boy worry about something. The minister approached the boy's grandmother. After hearing from her that the boy was allowed to do anything he wanted, the minister asked, "Has he ever asked for anything and been refused?"

No. I have given him everything that he wanted. He is just a happy-go-lucky boy."

Is he afraid of anything?"

Nothing at all."

The minister had to prove his theory to the king, so he said, "All right. When he comes home today give him the usual food, but add less than the usual amount of salt. If the boy asks about it, tell him that you don't have enough money to buy salt, so you had to be sparing with what you have left."

The grandmother said, "If the king wants me to do that, I shall do it." That evening when the boy came home, she serve his supper right away. After a few bites, the boy said, "Grandma, what is this? It's not tasty today." The grandmother repeated what the minister had told her, and the boy said, "Okay, Grandmother, I will get you some salt." He ran to the shop and asked the shopkeeper to give him a little salt. The shopkeeper explained that he couldn't give him salt without receiving money in exchange. "Where can I get some money?" the boy asked.

You have to go and work for it."

I don't know how to work."

Then you can't get any salt."

The boy was a little depressed. He went home. "Grandma, I don't know what to do. He wants me to go and work and get money so I can get some salt. I don't know how to work."

All right, sweetheart," said the grandmother, "it doesn't matter. Go to sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

The boy went to bed, but he couldn't sleep all night. In the morning, the elephant came as usual, and as usual, the boy went to stop the elephant, but he couldn't do it. The elephant pushed him aside and walked off. All the young fellow had in mind was, "I couldn't get a little salt for my food." That one small worry had taken away all his strength.

Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Interview with Barack Obama

Will's Wisdom

Rise Up - Parachute Club


(Rise up rise up)
Oh rise and show your power
(Rise up rise up)
Were dancing into the sun
(Rise up rise up)
It s time for celebration
(Rise up rise up)
Spirits time has come

We want lovin we want laughter again
We want heartbeat
We want madness to end
We want dancin
We wanna run in the streets
We want freedom to live in this peace
We want power
We want to make it ok
Want to be singin at the end of the day
Children to breathe a new life
We want freedom to love who we please

(Rise up rise up)
Oh rise and show your power
(Rise up rise up)
Everybody dance into the sun
(Rise up rise up)
It s time for celebration
(Rise up rise up)
The spirits time has come

Talkin bout the right time to be workin for peace
Wantin all the tension in the world to ease
This tightrope s gotta learn how to bend
We re makin new plans
Gonna start it again

(Repeat chorus)
Rise up now

It s time, it s time, it s time

(Rise up rise up)
Oh rise and show your power
(Rise up rise up)
But dance into the sun
(Rise up rise up)
It s time for a celebration
(Rise up rise up)
Everbody s time has come
Spirits time has come
Spirits time has come

(Rise up rise up)
Oh rise and show your power
(Rise up rise up)
All dance into the sun
(Rise up rise up)
It s time for a celebration
(Rise up rise up)
Everbody s time has come
Spirits time has come
Spirits time has come
(Rise up rise up)
Oh rise and show your power...