Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pema Chodron

"…feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, beneficial for us, it’s with us wherever we are."
— Pema Chödrön

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Look for The Good in Others

Trying to change someone is a waste of time. The very thought of changing someone is saying that they are not good enough as they are, and it is soaked with judgment and disapproval. That is not a thought of ...appreciation or love, and those thoughts will only bring separation between you and that person.

You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

Saturday, July 24, 2010


"Never doubt for even one minute that there is genius within you, awaiting your recognition of it. No matter what the gift of your genius may be, the magic ingredient in manifesting it is always the same: discipline. The “D” word sends chills down many a spine, and there are times when I resist it with all my might. When I do catch myself resisting the D word, I often use this visualization: Think of discipline as a drilling tool, boring through all the layers of resistance, cutting straight through to the core of your creative genius. See the energy of that genius flowing out into expression through you. Discipline gives focus and direction to our energy of intention, which in turn unleashes the genius." ~Dennis Merritt Jones
"In my work with people, I never cease to be amazed at how often they tend to focus on what they don’t have in life rather than the incredible good they do have. It is not just folk wisdom that tells us we should be focusing on the good in our lives now, it is understanding the spiritual dynamics of a universe that only knows how to increase the energy of that upon which we focus our attention. The universe doesn’t know or care if our glass is half empty or half full, that is a determination we make." ~Dennis Merritt Jones

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Every experience serves a higher purpose...

Every "Saint" has past & every "Sinner" has a future...we are not bound by our mis~takes & errors we are liberated by them when embraced with awareness. Never allow others to condemn or hold you to a moment no longer here. Keep choosing, evolving, & risking. With our challenges we transcend & grow. In Truth there are no mistakes every experience serves a higher purpose.~Judah Isvaran

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Direction versus Speed.

‎"Be easy with yourself, know that where you are is perfect...never doubt that you are on the PATH...awaken to it, be conscious in it, be alive in it, have Faith in it...the Universe does not know time & space. Honor your Path by realizing there is no where to get to, the journey is PRESENCE. Direction is more important than speed. "~Judah Isvaran

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Path Of The Phoenix

Mike & The Mechanics - The living Years

The Living Years

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got

You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defence

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts

So Don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be O.K.

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

I wasn't there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

"I Pray that You Will See the Best of Life, the Best of Love, The Very Best of EVERYTHING!”

"I Pray that You Will See the Best of Life, the Best of Love, The Very Best of EVERYTHING!”

Rickie Byars Beckwith
The Agape International Spiritual Centre Choir

There’s a new territory that I never saw before.
Like a fire of transformation breaking through my core.
It’s shining in the darkness.
I can see the light of day.
And this new territory, is my strength, it is my way.

There’s a new territory that I never saw before.
Like a fire of transformation breaking through my core.
It’s shining in the darkness.
I can see the light of day.
And this new territory, is my strength, it is my way.

Said this new territory is my strength and so I pray…

Well I pray… I pray...
That you… that you...
Will see the best of life…
The best of love...
The very best of every thing!

Well I pray… I pray...
That you… that you...
Will see the best of life…
The best of love...
The very best of every thing!

Wake up! Wake up!
And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

Wake up! Wake up!
And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

And see the best of life…
The best of love…
The very best of every thing!

I PRAY. I PRAY. You see the best of life, the best of love, the very best of everything.

Well, I pray, that you, will see the best of life, the best of love, the very best of everything!

Well, I pray that you will see the best of life, the best of love, the very best of everything.

(Rev Michael Speaking:)
As you look around the room for a moment with your eyes open…
You’re releasing a secret and sacred and silent prayer for each and every individual in this room.
You’re wishing them the best of life, the very best of love, & the very best of EVERYTHING!

You’re coming into an awareness as you are conferring this blessing upon each and every individual - that you get to keep what you give away!
So as you are giving away these blessings...
As you are honouring & respecting each other…
Calling forth the highest & best within each other…
All of THAT is getting on YOU!
All of THAT is being retained by YOUR soul!

You’re keeping what you’re giving away.
And you’re giving away the highest & the best!
You’re seeing the visual spectacularity of each other.
Unique configurations of infinite potential…
Infinite possibility…
Breaking through the PRISM…
But through the PRISM that’s refracting the light into all of this uniqueness & diversity…
That we together can continue to build a kind and a just global society...
Beginning with our own house...
Our own body…
Our own neighborhood...
Our own family...
Our own spiritual community...

And we shall be the angels & the agents of change in our society.
All needs met in our society...
Healthcare in our society…
Education in our society…
Love in our society.

We are the angels & the agents of CHANGE!


(All Singing!)
I pray that you will see the best of life, the best of love, the very best of EVERYTHING!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Imperfectly Perfect & Free to Be.

"I AM unfolding Perfection....Whole, Perfect & Complete Now. I AM Grateful for every mis-take that sharpens my awareness, raises my consciousness & re~minds me what I AM. I AM not bound by any mis-take, person or thing. My mis-takes liberate me. If I AM not making mis-takes I AM not risking. If I AM not risking I AM not alive. Imperfectly Perfect & free to BE."~Judah Isvaran

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


“The more connections you and your lover
make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your
hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your
relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.”
-Barbara De Angelis

Fear...Cheri Huber

Fear is not what you think it is. Fear is not who you are underneath your facade. Fear is not the real you that you must somehow fix or improve or overcome. Fear is a very useful signal along the path to freedom. The stronger the fear, the closer you are to what you are seeking. If you want to stay "safe (i.e. stuck where you are), fear tells you to stop what you are doing, But if you want to be free, fear lets you know you are on the right track, it is a signal to push ahead in the same direction, to pick up the pace.

~ Cheri Huber

Quantum Breakthrough Course 6....September 10th-12th 2010...Become Your dream!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the speech JFK wrote that got him murdered

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

Pain=Cure (Rumi)

"Don't get lost in your pain! Know that ONE DAY....your pain will become your CURE." ~ Rumi


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith ;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

What you Have is what you need....

"Delays are not denials.... We live and have our being in a Divinely Ordered Universe...All is Unfolding Perfectly. What you have is what you need...the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. See the beauty in WHAT IS...this is Gratitude. There is nothing Better than NOW."~Judah Isvaran