Sunday, October 25, 2009

Keep The Change


Transformation: to go beyond form or being.

Change: to pass gradually into. exchange for something else usually of the same kind.

I hold the Vision that the planet is on the tipping point of a Quantum Shift in Consciousness. In this state of awareness and knowing, I look around at the creations of our collective consciousness...genocide, war, dictatorships,homelessness, global warming, poverty, disease, drug abuse, suicide, racism, sexism, consumerism, victimhood, child abuse, famine, mass media, materialism...and this list can go on forever. Where am I in this? Who am I in this? What can be done about it? How did this happen? Why did this happen? "Ain't it awful?"..."If only.."..."One of these days..."...."I wish...I hope...could have and should have..." is the usual banter that surrounds these issues that have us as Beings on the brink of destruction...or not.
Questions are not answers...when facing what is, the only question of relevance is "What am I going to Be about it?" and "What am I going to do about it."
I choose to take responsibility, which is the the willingness to experience myself as CAUSE to the matter and to it All.

Responsibility has no ties to guilt, fault, praise or blame. It is Response Ability I speak of....If I am Cause to it, the power demonstrated to create it, has an equal force to create its opposite. It is the most powerful state of being for anyone on the planet to have ownership of what I am, what I do, what I have, what is done to me, and what is done to another. This gives me ultimate Freedom, thus removing burden from Response- Ability and unearthing from my Essence the Intuition, Feeling and Right Action to express and experience Transformation in Form.

I have always admired Gandhi's words of "Be the change you wish to see in this world."...however upon deeper examination...I state..."Be the transformation you see in this world."
The word change is housed in progress...eventuality...and includes past and present experience. Transformation however is autonomous and free of the tenses of past, future and present...Transformation is a choice in the moment of Now. Now is Ultimate Reality...nothing exists but the moment of Now. The past is over...the present is over and the future is an illusion.
Society is stuck on the hamster wheel of Change...when we choose Change, we are actually choosing suffering...change involves pain and avoidance of responsibility. Progress is superficial and journey based...incremental and over time to a future destination...remember the future is NOW. Change demands maintenance, upkeep and can be traced, easily offering the door to exit from which one entered.

Change is based in Ego for it involves assessment, judgements, emotions, right and wrong notions...change lacks compassion and acceptance of what is. Change says “I don't want this.” Changing is is a desire to become more of something. It is a new lane on the same road...Changing your name...still leaves you with who you are.
Changing your clothes gives you different attire. Change is behavior adaptation or adjustment. A reaction to Cause. For example, I can quit smoking, however if I have not transformed the Cause of my smoking...I will either choose smoking again or fill the void /need with some other condition/behavior. Change address the symptom, Transformation is the Cure.
Transformation addresses Being...Change embodies Doing.
Transformation does not seek to alter what is...Transformation goes beyond it.
It begins from NO-THING, free of association and committed in NOW. Transformation is dying to give birth to new creation. It is the highest state of surrender ( surrender: giving into not giving up)...letting go, for letting flow. When one is "trying" to change the ego is "trying" to control...Transformation is letting go, and allowing. Freedom from the Known...the familiar...the comfortable...the predictable. It is a Quantum Leap in Context...In is transcending the environment in which the behavior inhabits. It is Holistic, Mind Body Spirit are Re-Created. Cause is uprooted and dissolved. Transformation involves change but not vise addresses the is complete. Profound. It is the caterpillar to a butterfly...the acorn to the oak.
Transformation will bring the planet to a shift in Consciousness and everlasting peace and harmony...change will give us a little more better different...same old sh*t.
Judah Isvaran

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