Wishing...Hoping...Trying...Wanting Distinctions:© Language is the house of Being. It is the only leverage for changing the context of the World around you. This is be-cause people apprehend and construct reality through the way they speak and listen. On a day to day basis you can alter the way you are Being by altering the conversations in which you are engaged. Altering language alters Being which in turn alters what's possible . When you create a new context you reveal a new realm of possibility, one your prior awareness was not privy to know existed. Wanting bars one from having. -Would you rather want to have a lot of money or would you rather have a lot of money? Would you rather want a great relationship or would you rather have a great relationship? Want is always equated with a feeling of lack or deprivation, so avoid putting in the feeling of lack in your goals, declarations etc... The Universe will only return to you the feeling of wanting... When we are focused on wanting to change a problem/condition/circumstance etc, our awareness of the problem causes it to persist/increase. Wishing: Acting on what you wish were true rather than on what is really true will only call forth frustration. Wishing is not an active command...it is related to wanting..it is passive in relation to creation. Wishing is "thinking of" something versus "thinking from it" The Mercedes dealer is not going to sell you a new Mercedes because you wish for it or think you deserve it. Wanting, wishing, and hoping for "something does not CAUSE ANY ACTION TO TAKE PLACE. Results/Experience/Manifestation do not occur while wishing, hoping, or wanting...only your thoughts of wishing, hoping, or wanting...these are words of ponder versus words of creation/action...they are not words of conviction and commitment. They are backdoor words...maybe it will happen, it might, it may, it could, it should, and so on... They command nothing of the forces of the Universe. They are limbo words. Words without wings. Regardless of how hard one "tries", saying you are committed to something and becoming the practices which will effectively make it reality are different. Most would like to ignore these distinctions, and would rather spend their time analyzing, acknowledging, and increasing our consciousness of what is not serving, and not enough attention shifting our practices accordingly. We choose to ignore when something we are doing , especially something that worked for us or someone else prior, isn't working NOW. We get stuck on the "TRY" track. We think that because we "tried", we accomplished something. We bask in credit and expect others to acknowledge us for our efforts. "Trying" is “efforting” ...failing with honor. If you Lean towards wishing, hoping, trying and wanting as a practice, an ability to interpret the facts won't accomplish anything. As Yoda says "Do not try..Do." Analyzing how you got where you are, predicting where you will end up, "gesturing" at taking action, or no action, is a lot easier and less threatening than shifting yourself and your behavior Now in a way that will effectively intervene in your future NOW. Hope is not a plan. As is wishing, trying and wanting. Our word is our creative power. Speech in itself is an effective action. All human action occurs within the domain of language. Your life flows out the direction of what you have spoken. Use powerful declarations which words of command. These words have wings and give flight to possibilities. You are the creator of experiences...thought, word deed. Creators do not wish, try, hope and want, these words imply a connection and dependence on "something" or "someone" or "some god" outside of oneself. We are individuations of God. One with the Universe. Divinity in Expression. You are God. God does not want, wish, try or hope, God reveals. Whew!!! I breAthe. I share. From Love. Judah.
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