Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Art of Empowerment.

In the Babemba tribe in Africa, when a person acts irresponsibly or unjustly, he/she is placed in the center of the village, alone and unfettered. All work ceases, and every man, woman and child in the village gathers in a large circle around the "accused" individual. Then each person in the tribe speaks to the accused, one at a time, about all the good things the person in the center of the circle has done in his lifetime. Every incident, every experience that can be recalled with any detail and accuracy is recounted. All his/her positive attributes, good deeds, strengths and kindnesses are recited carefully and at length. The tribal ceremony often lasts several days.
The tribe recognizes that the correction for non-integrous behavior is not punishment, but love and the remembrance of identity. They believe a friend, coach, or teacher, is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it. They are not fooled by the mistakes you have made or the dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.
One of the most important lessons we can learn from evolution is that we are related to all that lives. Consider the fact that your personal DNA is 99.99 % identical to the DNA of every other human being, and to all that has ever lived. Once we begin to include ourselves in the story that we are no longer on an individual journey, we have joined the grand caravan of "endless forms -most beautiful and wonderful". This is cooperation and collaboration at it's core essence
So, I encourage all to offer some time to BE with your fellow travelers (friends and "strangers" alike) this week, reminding each other that we are one beautiful family on an unprecedented journey back home. - ~Sheryl Sever


  1. Such a beautiful reminder!

  2. fantastic post!! thank you

  3. the essance of true love.

  4. This post actually brought tears to my eyes. The tears were for me but mostly for the millions of people in the UK I left behind and who are 'stuck' in western attitudes and completely unaware of their huge personal power
