Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Anatomy of Fear

Dennis Merritt Jones: The Anatomy of Fear

"Driven by fear, people run for security to mountains and forests, to sacred spots and shrines. But none of these can be a safe refuge, because they cannot free the mind from fear." ~ The Dhammapada

Have you heard this acronym for F.E.A.R.?: False Evidence Appearing Real. Well, I have another one for you: Forget Everything And Run. Isn’t that what we often do when a fear thought appears in our mind, triggering our emotions? We turn from the fear and run as fast as we can. Sometimes we numb the fear with drugs, alcohol, food, and other such diversions, when what we really need to do is turn and meet our fears head on. In his book The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav states, “When fear ceases to scare you, it cannot stay.” We might best understand the anatomy of fear by first dissecting it and seeing it for what it is and what it is not.

Where does fear originate? At first, it might appear that fear comes from the very thing we are fearing, be it a threat of physical harm, a scary prognosis from a doctor, or so on. The reality is, fear can’t come from outside of us--fear is a feeling that wells up inside us as a reaction to an outer stimulus that comes from a concern about the loss of something. The stimulus could be the fear of losing a job, a reputation, a material possession, or _________ (fill in the blank). It might even be a fear of the ultimate loss: a loss of the life of a loved one or even our own. In fact, we could say that all fear is attached to the death or the demise of something or someone we don’t want to lose.

Perhaps that to which we cling the most tightly, fearing the most of losing is what causes the greatest pain and suffering. If there is one thing I have learned as I followed my own spiritual path is that we come into this life without any possessions and, irrespective of who or what we may be fearfully hanging on to, we can’t take it or them with us when we leave. Their is great wisdom to be found in poet Don Blanding’s words when he wrote,“Because there is no desire to possess, there is no fear of losing -- we live in an anticipation of life, not in dread of death.”

Much of our fear originates in our mind because, try as we may, we can’t control tomorrow. As we spiritually evolve we automatically loosen our grasp (death-grip) on that which we want most to possess or control and, as a result, the fear attached to its loss dissolves as well. Even our worst fears can be mitigated by our awareness of our oneness with the Source of all life, all good. Fear is the offspring of the imagined belief that somehow we could possibly be separated from our Source, which is an impossibility.

Fear is a great messenger to get our attention and can even serve us well in certain circumstances but it has no life of its own other than that which we choose to give it. As we call forth the awareness of Infinite Presence as our sole Source, we in turn take back all the power we have bestowed on that fear. When fear ceases to scare us, we can then watch it disappear into the nothingness from which it came. Fear knocked at the door and faith one was there.

Peace, Dennis

P.S. For those of you who read "Science of Mind" Magazine, I will have a featured article in the February issue titled, "Mindful Living - The Art of Remembering to Remember." I hope you'll take time to read the article!

*** Please feel free to forward this to those you care about ***

* Join Dennis at his annual Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat on April 10th!

* A new Sacred Journey to Thailand with Dennis scheduled for November 2010

* To subscribe free to Dennis’ weekly MindfulPurpose eMessage

GO TO: m> for all the details!

Copyright 2010 ~ New Reality Press ~ All rights reserved

The Invitation (((Oriah Mountain Dreamer)))

The Invitation

by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

It doesn’t interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me
how old you are.
I want to know
if you will risk
looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me
what planets are
squaring your moon...
I want to know
if you have touched
the centre of your own sorrow
if you have been opened
by life’s betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know
if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know
if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us
to be careful
to be realistic
to remember the limitations
of being human.

It doesn’t interest me
if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear
the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know
if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn’t interest me
to know where you live
or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me
who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me
where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know
what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know
if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like
the company you keep
in the empty moments.

By Oriah © Mountain Dreamer,
from the book The Invitation
published by HarperONE, San Francisco,

1999 All rights reserved

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Moving Beyond Judgment to serve the "Offender"....

"In South Africa the Babemba tribe treats people who step out of line in a remarkable way. Instead of treating the person with judgment and punishment, the tribe treats the offender with love and appreciation.

If a member of the Babemba acts irresponsibly or unjustly, he or she is placed at the center of the village, alone. All work ceases, and the entire tribe gathers in a large circle around the violator. Then each person in the tribe, regardless of age, speaks to the accused, one at a time, recalling all the good things the person in the center of the circle has done in his or her lifetime.

Every incident, every experience that can be recalled with any detail and accuracy is recounted. All the individual's positive attributes, good deeds, strengths and kindnesses are recited carefully and at length. No one is permitted to fabricate, exaggerate or be facetious about the accomplishments or the positive aspects of the person. This tribal ceremony often lasts for several days and does not end until everyone is drained of every positive comment he or she can state about the person in question.

At the end, the circle is broken and the person is symbolically and literally welcomed back into the tribe with joyful celebration."

(Excerpted from "Contact, The First Four Minutes" by Leonard Sunin -out of print)

The Gift of Relationship

All Life is born out of Relationship.
In the absence of Relationship we are Nothing....
Through the gift of Relationship we are given the mirror to experience & proclaim our is the very foundation & greatest opportunity  for Spiritual Evolution.
An Ever~Giving Source of Awakening, Healing & Fulfillment.
Relationships challenge us, stretch us, uplift us, enlighten us, inspire us , nurture us & bestows us with opportunities to expand in Love, Wisdom,Generosity, Service & Compassion.
Everyday we are faced with endless possibilities to demonstrate our Divine Nature.
When I speak of Relationship I speak of Oneness...Union with All Life....

~Judah Isvaran

Friday, January 22, 2010

Living Aliveness

 See without looking...Be without Doing....Experience without attachment...Live without security...Love without need...Give without expectation...create without evidence...speak without words...feel without permission...embrace without walls...forgive without validation...receive without deflecting...listen without opinion...understand without without wings~Judah

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Woman I Love....

I am a man great poise and confidence. I am a giver to the World but not of the World. I choose to be bold and uncommon in the expression of my life. My relationships are a reflection of my choices. My life is within me and who I am within is reflected on the outside. I am the example, however, by no means an exception of what it means to be a man of Spirit, Conviction, Enthusiasm, Poise and Power. 

 I AM not looking for a woman to complete me...for that I Am already, I am Whole and the woman I know is for me, Knows this of herself. I AM not here to get, I AM here to give, the woman I know is for me knows this to be true of herself. I AM not interested in romance, what I am calling forth is RELATIONSHIP. 
Through the mirror of relationship I know myself...through relationship I grow and become more of what is seeking to emerge. The woman I Love is selfless, gracious, powerful, compassionate, wise and knows her beauty from the inside out. The woman I love is regal, a Lioness & embraces her Divine Femininity. She is loving & generous, not just with me but with ALL. She loves the finer things in life, however, she is not bound by these things. She believes in her power to create and live abundantly, she is just as willing to have it as to give it.
The woman I see for me is in contribution and service to life. She knows it is only in service one knows significance. We are mirrors of each other, champions of each other, partners on our own paths however in Union. We don't have to agree but we live to align. When we talk its dialog, listen deeply and share compassionately. Arguing, bickering & debating are for small minds. Our relationship atmosphere is sacred, reverential and flowing with love. We love each others company while giving the other space. Dependancy is foreign to our relationship. We are free to Be. We both recognize that we are not our past, and that our future is only Now & that baggage is for traveling only. We are highly sexual beings, unafraid of exploring ..Sex is passionate, uninhibited, sensual, tantric & orgasmic. It is our playground where imagination and love run wild. It is a constant expression of our love & a doorway to Oneness.
I AM the father of our two children...boy and girl...(twins) though not attached. She is a loving & responsible mother. We share equally the role of parent. We are attentive, generous, spiritually minded from the foundation of Conscious Parenting. We are guides for our children fostering their creativity & instilling Spiritual values to raise self generative leaders. We are parents, however, not hiding out from living full and active social lives of our own. 
 We are a Power Couple in every way. Our careers reflect our Vision. We love what we do. Be it together or alone. We are unapologetic for the abundance we create for it is in direct accord with our service and integrity. We travel around the World with our careers. Jet-set. We are the renowned in our respective fields of service. Commanding extraordinary opportunities and income to match. We do not compete we create. We tithe, and are head our own Causes in the World. We love to read, workout, cook, travel, shop and dine. Our social calendar is full and our company is the finest. We are of Great Influence and Power in the World, this serves for the good. We are stylish, worldly & a sight to see. Our connection is from our depths. Love is our fuel and our word is our bond. She is a demonstration of beauty. Shining in mind body and spirit. Her body is a temple and she treats it as such. Her mind is garden and she sows it with empowering seeds. She is my reflection so of course I AM the same. I believe you are always with who you are & what you are, always a match. Life is easy we make it hard. Here is where I stand. This is the life unfolding for me. I am not seeking for I know she is already here. This my Truth, this is who I AM...this is what I know. The woman I love she Knows this True. Answer only if its YOU.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Coreservation: One Hypothetical Step Towards a Peaceful Ancient-Modern Way

Coreservation: One Hypothetical Step Towards a Peaceful Ancient-Modern Way

A few days after watching Avatar, I scribbled the following, "I can only describe it as that I caught a strong flash or two into how we (a community of people serious about changing the way we live and work together on the planet) were going to be living, working, surviving and ultimately thriving "together" in the near future. Ironically, just as I thought that I was beginning to see a clear landscape of my personal life mission/purpose, what flashed over me, I've never even imagined before...I saw what Mikki refers to as "tribes" of heart-God-centered people actually living on and off the land in a future-ancient way. I realized that one potential interpretation of the prophetic "war" to take place (much like in the film) and written about in many of the spiritual texts was actually an internal war which is and would continue to rage within each of us who were willing to seriously "live this change." More specifically, how much would we be willing to let go of, relative to what we currently think we "need to have" for EVERYONE to live a balanced and abundant life TOGETHER... It is almost like the movie had so much power and purpose behind it that that it was actually a divine GPS point loaded into a master rescue plan for individuals and humanity as a whole to experience and instantly become a bit more enlightened relative to how we are supposed to live peacefully together here on Earth."

Well, the least I could do is attempt to describe my experience in a bit more detail. Pandora is here, right beneath our feet and directly below the trillions of tons of scrap automobiles crawling all the way home on the 101 this afternoon. Something went wrong didn't it? When did things really take a turn for the worst? Hey, remember the people who lived here before everything started to get really weird... I think we still call them the Natives? Well, I remember someone once telling me that a long time ago, they clearly expressed a strong intuition that the newbies to North America were going to "fall to materialism and destroy the Living Earth." Oh yeah and either kill the Natives or push them off the land they've lived on for thousands of years. So now that we're clear on when the unbalance began, we can at least get an idea of what not to repeat and at best realize where we ought to begin again...

It makes sense that the key to healing our people and planet would be through the people indigenous to the land - in general, the ancient tribes around the world all share the following basics: 1) respect the Great Spirit 2) respect the Land, Animals and Man 3) work hard, share and celebrate life all together. If you wish, you can throw in 4) create beautiful and timeless art, design and entertainment. You can also add 5) eating healthy - that is locally grown, naturally and in proper portions.

Now, I have never really studied politics or economics, so forgive me if I've got the next bit all wrong but I think that we were suckered on Capitalism. I also think that we were suckered on a very dark form of what's been termed "healthy competition." The type of competition that inevitably leads to fear, greed and resistance and separation amongst people, media, government, and educational institutions. And finally, the type of competition that is addictive and contagious - picked up by other peoples and systems in other places on the planet, setting up a world in which a few are sick with greed, while a few more are desperately sick, hungry and praying to the Great Spirit for a tiny bit of relief.

We know that the duality of structure will crumble, it has already begun on many levels. There is nothing to fear, this is simply evolution - the end of one way and the rebirth of another. It's time for some of us to take an exemplary leap of faith toward creating a new way of going about things, from the bottom up, on every front. It has been discussed for decades but the timing is now for many reasons, one of them being that technology needed to advance to a degree in which people everywhere on the planet can be enlightened, by example, in real-time. Call it a hunch, but I feel certain that the needed shifts to truly leap us towards restoring harmony on the planet will neither come from legislation nor a bunch of activists working from behind their home desktop. Throughout history, these leaps have occurred when individuals and/or tribes were willing to die for the cause of retaining or restoring peace. As pioneers into the era of peace, we must be willing to die to the old ways of material ownership and division.

I am aware that many of the people God has already connected together, like myself, have adopted the necessary steps of pure and universal thinking and ways of living. A short time ago and in response to a mini-dialogue on restoring harmony on the planet, our brother Judah Isvaran posted the following on Facebook:

"A meeting of the Minds gets to be create the committed actions & Visioning to unfold the possibility for "PANDORA" to exist NOW...The Spiritual Warrior's willing to step forth and stand in the drift to create it."

I look forward to coming together with whomever feels compelled to come forward with a thought, insight or master plan for us to give the planet the greatest gift we humans can give. The true cosmic shift which has already begun does not depend on governments, dual-party politics or anything else of that nature, rather a few people who are willing to listen to the voice of the planet and risk everything for what comes natural to us as living spirits. After our initial leap of faithful action, many more will follow, including institutions, support agencies, governments and more. People will magically come together and work together for the common good, not just because they "have to" as we've seen in "response" to say a tragic terrorist attack, but because they consciously and willingly surrender to the healing Spirit of Love. We will have everything we need at each step along the way.

Coreservation: An Oasis of Peaceful Ancient-Modern Living

A working title that basically means Help the Natives help us help one another help Our Mother Earth. The mission would be 1) to coexist peacefully and indefinitely on one specific Native American reservation, learning the ways of the Natives and the Land with an intent to co-create a healthy, self-sustainable and thriving ancient-modern way of living and 2) to continually broadcast progress and findings to the entire world. If it succeeds, more reservations might become interested in building stronger, self-sustainable communities, and soon enough people in countries all over the planet may soon find their way back to their own Native peoples. What did that Brit say, Imagine all the people? Well, we've got to start somewhere. The idea is first to immerse ourselves in learning the ways of the Natives. Second, to work together with them in building a truly self-sustainable community. And third, bring the ways to other developing coreserations as well as back to the planet's outdated models, systems and institutions.

What might this look like? A group of pioneers would travel to and live on a reservation, coexisting with a specific tribe in order to learn first hand about their traditional ways, culture, needs, struggles, etc. Sound familiar? We would NOT be there to "free" them from their ways, nor would we be trying to impose our culture, ways, mentalities, etc. However, we could certainly bring yoga, meditation, fitness, novel methods of conscious teaching, etc. After meeting regularly with the elders, together we could develop a plan to create the first Coreservation open to "outside" peace workers. Perhaps we could introduce some of the technologies which can be used consciously to broadcast peaceful awareness, and raise support for the Natives and the new community. At some point, teachers, translators, nurses, doctors, healers, builders, agriculturalists, etc. would be brought in to facilitate the development of an Ancient-Modern system of living. I envision children becoming educated in a powerful ancient-modern way. I see people eating together, meditating together, sharing stories around the fire. I see peace in the eyes of the people. I can experience the magnificence of the heavens and know that I am living amongst people who know we are one.

My hope is that what we would learn, co-create and broadcast to the world would ignite many fires all over the planet within existing media, people, governments, and educational institutions. We will live the change together, harnessing blessed technologies consciously, while living in harmony with each other and the planet.

After almost a week of sitting with the notion of drawing up one solution for a leap into a new way of living, coexisting with our beloved Natives, I was startled to stumble upon the Hopi prophecies which I compiled below. If you're interested, I highly suggest that you read on, not to get crazy over the highly interpretable Hopi predictions, but more so to become up-to-date on the stories of the Ancients who lived on this same land:

The Hopi are a Native America Nation who primarily live on the 1.5 million acre Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona. Hopis call themselves Hopitu - "The Peaceful People."

Evidence suggest that the Hopi consist of the descendants of various groups that entered the country from the north, the east, and the south, and that a series of movements covered a period of probably three centuries, and perhaps considerably longer.

Their ancestors, the Anasazi, appear to have been related to the Aztecs of Mexico, and may have arrived in their current location 5 to 10 thousand years ago. In that time, they have developed an intricate ceremonial calendar that has helped them survive and be strong in a place that would not seem to have enough reliable water to sustain life.

Art is a way for the Southwestern Native Americans to communicate their dreams, visions, and beliefs to each other or to people today.

Hopi Prophecy:

The famous Hopi Prophecy speaks about the return of the Blue Kachina to herald in the Fifth Age of Man. This is not unlike any other culture who await the return of their god or creational force - Example - "The Second Coming of Christ."

In the Hopi Medicine Wheel of the Hopi prophecy of the four peoples of the Earth, the cardinal direction North represents the body, plants and animals, the color white and 'white skinned peoples', and Childhood. (can also represent birth, and/or meeting a stranger and learning to trust as in infancy, explained in Erik Erikson's stages of Psychosocial development).

The East is held to represent the mind, air, the color yellow and 'yellow skinned peoples', learning the groups to which people belong and Adolescence.

The South holds the heart, fire, the color red and 'red skinned peoples', and Adulthood.

Finally West holds the spirit, water, the color blue or black, and 'black-skinned peoples' and Elderhood. West also represents the final life stage in the wheel, being an elder and passing on knowledge to the next generation so that the wheel may start again just like the circle it takes after.

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask.

[Note: Reality is a metaphor in which we quest to find answers to the greater truth of who we are and why we are here. Something in our souls tells us that change is happening on a global consciousness level. The blue frequency is part of that. Sirius is Isis - Return to the feminine of higher frequency energies - Rebirth of Consciousness. Blue links to higher/future frequencies of consciousness as we spiral up through the patterns of Sacred Geometry. Blue - electricity - our reality as an electromagnetic energy grid program. Blue: Indigo children, the blue alien lady, Isis, the Pleiades, Sirius, blue galaxies, blue chakra, blue ray and ascended master, and much more that will come 'out of the blue'. Use search engine to discover more about 'blue'.]

The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.

World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)

The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis [peaceful people] and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers."

The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator."

That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. "You can read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways. But in spite of all the pressures against them, the Hopi were told they must hold to their ancient religion and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, they were promised that their people and their land would be a center from which the True Spirit would be reawakened.

It is said that after many years the elder brother might change the color of his skin, but his hair will remain black. He will have the ability to write, and he will be the only person able to read the Tiponi. When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers. Then great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger brother to obtain real justice for all Indian brothers who have been cruelly mistreated by the white man since he came to Turtle Island.

The transformed elder brother, the True White Brother, will wear a red cloak or a red cap, similar to the pattern on the back of a horned toad. He will bring no religion but his own, and will bring with him the Tiponi tablets. He will be all-powerful; none will be able to stand against him. He will come swiftly, and in one day gain control of this entire continent. It is said, "If he comes from the East, the destruction will not be so bad. But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy."

The True White Brother will bring with him two great, intelligent and powerful helpers, one of whom will have a sign of a swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), and the sign of the sun. The second great helper will have the sign of a celtic cross with red lines (representing female life blood) between the arms of the cross.

When the Great Purification is near, these helpers will shake the earth first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the earth two times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world. All three will help the "younger brother" (the Hopi and other pure-hearted people) to make a better world. In the prophecies, the two helpers are designated by the Hopi word for "population," as if they were large groups of people.

The Hopi were warned that if these three great beings failed, terrible evil would befall the world and great numbers of people would be killed. However, it was said that they would succeed if enough Hopi remained true to the ancient spirit of their people. The True White Brother and his helpers will show the people of earth a great new life plan that will lead to everlasting life. The earth will become new and beautiful again, with an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family.

"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.

"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.

"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left....
"Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

Greatest thing we have for healing is the human spirit.
We are children of the Sun.

We have been given a window of opportunity.

Spiritual Love is the answer. True knowledge is beyond words.

If there is an Armegeddon it is within each of us.

We have 12 strands of DNA in our blood.

Scientists don't know what they are for since they are not being used.

But we can activate them ourselves.

One way is through drumming and ceremony.

End time should be seen as the Beginning time.

We are creating at this moment what our Tomorrow will be...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Commitment (((Happy New Moment)))

As we stand in this New Year & Decade there is a powerful tool to support you in Transforming Vision into Reality, it is the foundation of COMMITMENT.  
Everything you Be, Do & Have is born from Commitment even what you don't want & now have.  
Take a deep look at all the various domains of  your Life; Career, Health, Relationships, Finance, Spiritual Practice, Community, & Service.  How is your bank account? How is your marriage/partnership/boyfriend/girlfriend or lack there of one?  How is your career or lack there of one? How is your health? Weight?  Nutrition?  Well~Being?  Are you showing up in the World?  making your mark?  Making  a difference?  Being A Victim or A Master?  Using excuses, reasons, justifications, arguing for your limitations?  Making it happen or PRETENDING?  Living full out or HIDING?  Giving or TAKING? Complaining or Creating?  Are you surrounded by the company that will support you in reaching your Highest Vision?  

Who you are BEING is demonstrating  & giving you an experience of exactly what it is you are committed to.  

Transformation is BEING & doing the opposite of what you have been & done to experience what you have not allowed yourself to BE & DO.~Judah


It is the words that speak boldly of your INTENTIONS.
And the ACTIONS which speak louder than words.
It is making the time when there is none.
Coming through time & time again Year after Year.
COMMITMENT is the stuff that CHARACTER is made of;
The POWER to change the face of things.
It is the daily triumph of INTEGRITY over skepticism.

What are you COMMITTED to in 2010?  Transform Vision into Reality....